Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New Blog

I am by no means a great blog-keeper. I have started and abandoned several blogs in the last couple of years and the only one I've managed to maintain is my Tumblr. This is definitely nothing to brag about. Although it is a four-year old blog, 97% of my Tumblr is "re-blogged" pictures of things I find appealing but that don't make sense put together in one blog. However, it's a new year and I see this as a new opportunity to keep a "real" blog! Except this time, actually.

I guess if I am getting technical about this I can say it's a new year's resolution. In part, this resolution was inspired by my sister's blog (I will link later!) and how much work she's put into it this past year. She started her blog as a new year's resolution, so I figured it would be a good idea to do it myself for 2015. These are some of my other resolutions for 2015 that I will probably be blogging about here soon:
  1. I will stop spending so much money on underwear (that I don't use)-- I spend a lot on lingerie for the simple fact that it makes me happy. I like wearing it, I like seeing it, and I like seeing it sitting in my cramped lingerie drawer. "I like my money where I can see it--", right? But I need to spend less on lingerie because I think I am acquiring more pieces than I am actually using. I think what I want to start doing this year is putting more thought into which pieces I invest in. That said, a really long time ago--about 3 days ago-- I purchased a set from Agent Provocateur, one suspender, and some nipple pasties. I think these are good investments... and they don't count as my January purchase. However, I look forward to writing about how good of an investment I think these purchases have been.
  2. I will take better care of my body-- This covers a whole range of things. On the one hand this means achieving the shape I want my body to be in. At times I am not happy with my physique and I wish I could be thinner, more muscular, have wider hips, longer legs, etc. While generally these thoughts don't dominate how I generally feel about my body, I realize I have the ability to change some of these things. Exercising regularly and getting back into weight training would definitely help me build muscle and maybe lose a couple of pounds. It would generally improve my mood too. However, I am not just focused on the visible changes I can make to my body. In general I want to feel better also. Earlier last year when I was working out regularly I noticed I was less stressed, more productive, and people told me I seemed much happier. I also aim to get more sleep, drink less, and eat better food, wash off my make up always-no-matter-what, and take my birth control on time, every fucking time. 
  3. De-clutter-- I always feel like I find things around my room that I don't necessarily need but that I just keep for some reason (like bank statements from 4 years ago). I need to bust out a shredder, a big trash bin, and start getting rid of things I don't use or need. Overall, having a clean space will make me a little happier, I think.
  4. Journal more often. I need to locate my journals... Cleaning might help with this.
  5. Learn to be creative again-- I used to consider myself artistic. I loved drawing and painting and making things by hand, and now I can barely finish a doodle. This particular resolution will be the most challenging but I think working on this blog will help bring out my creative side again!
  6. Improve my dance skills-- I consider myself an absolute newbie when it comes to dance even though I've danced for about 3 years. The reason is that I have not received enough training in any of the dances I've learned to do. While dancing is a past-time for me, it is a skill that I need to hone in order to make my attendance to social dance events more enjoyable for myself. I want to be able to approach an advanced dancer and feel like I am dancing well instead of tripping over my feet.
  7. Get laid-- I told a friend that this was one of my resolutions and she responded with, "Don't you mean have a relationship?" And no, I don't. Simply put, I don't have as much time to myself as I used to.  Between two part-time jobs and living with my parents' house with them and my three siblings, it's hard to find some time to be alone. A relationship means sacrificing more of my free alone time. Even dating casually, at the moment, feels like a much bigger commitment than it actually is. A casual fling though? I wouldn't mind that!
  8. Travel more-- This means could mean going out more to places that are not my home town and also traveling more in general. I really want to be able to fly back to London this year.
  9. Read more-- I was a bloody English major and now I can hardly pic up a book. I think that needs to change immediately. It's been 6 months since my graduation, might be time to finish reading a novel for pleasure.
  10. Get some self-confidence back-- This one is a tough one that I will probably be touching upon a lot on this blog.

Anyway, I am signing off for now but I will be working on a new post talking about some of the things I want this blog to focus on. My aim for this blog is to have it be more organized than my Tumblr, and a lot more personal. 



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